Home > Still on track

Still on track

April 6th, 2010 at 12:10 am

Things are good here in the islands. The weather has been great, the boat is back up and running. I only lost one day of work, but I made a lot of money on Saturday to make up for it.

I've had 3 no spending days (in a row too). With any luck I will have another one tomorrow. I started a new book and made my first ever cake from scratch. It was really good and moist. DH was pretty impressed. I also made up a batch of mini-meatballs and frozen them for future use. Finally my freezer is looking good food wise. Knowing I have good food in the freezer is keeping me from eating out.

I have a pretty busy week. DH is off with me on Wednesday. We do not get many days off together, so I'm looking forward to that. I just need get him onboard with making it a cheap day off. Wish me luck on that one.

3 Responses to “Still on track”

  1. campfrugal Says:

    OMGosh, do you live on an Island? I used to live on an Island, but moved to a different lake in the same town. The Island I lived on did have a bridge to it, so we didn't have to worry if the boat broke down. Glad yours is fixed. I loved living on the Island and having water around me.

  2. campfrugal Says:

    Also, a few great books that I have read and re-read are "A Year By the Sea" by Joan Anderson; "A Trip to the Beach" by Mel and Robert Blanchard (they now own a restaurant on the Island of Anguilla; and they also wrote "Live What You Love". The one I have been reading now is "The Beach House" by Mary Alice Monroe.

  3. kristenintheislands Says:

    I've read "A trip to the Beach"... Living in Anuilla is a lot like living here. I will look up the other books. thank you for the suggestions.

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