Home > Thank you for the warm welcome

Thank you for the warm welcome

March 23rd, 2010 at 11:33 pm

Everyone seems so nice here.. Thank you for for the warm welcome.

I took a few baby steps today. One is I didn't go to the bar after work. I do not have M-F 9-5 job. So my 'friday' can be anyday of the week. I'm off tomorrow and I would normally go out for happy hour. But I was good and came home.

The other baby step was I ate leftovers tonight. I'm sure for all you frugal people that is not a big deal. But honestly I hate leftovers. Normally I have good intentions, but they end up science projects instead. I could never find a way to reheat them properly. I also work odd hours and might not be home for a meal for a couple of days.

Anyway, I tried a new recipe last night (pineapple chicken tenders served over rice). I'm not really a fan of next day rice, it always turned out hard and crunchy. So I took the minute or so to research how to reheat it and it was good. I'm glad I took the time to do some research.

Tomorrow should be a no spending day. I'm off and have enough food in the house. I can walk to the beach, so I might just go there and do some snorkeling/swimming to help with my goal of losing 15lbs.

It's all about baby steps.

8 Responses to “Thank you for the warm welcome”

  1. KellyB Says:

    Good for you! Baby steps are important! As long as you are stepping in the right direction, you'll be on your way to your goals :-)

  2. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Well, if you figure you skipped a beer or two and then ate leftovers you probably saved at least $20! That's a really big baby step.

  3. snshijuptr Says:

    One trick to leftover is to cook easily reheatable items. Casseroles, soups, and ground meat is good for this as they reheat easily. We eat leftovers mostly for lunches because the alternative is coldcut sandwiches or cafeteria food (super yuck!). I bought some handy glass tupperware and my husband has a nice lunch box with an ice pack. We cook more now than we used to so we can have leftovers.

  4. cptacek Says:

    Also, I've found I like leftovers more if I individually pack them and freeze them immediately after supper. Even if I am going to eat them again the next day, that helps me eat a lot more leftovers.

  5. CB in the City Says:

    I just threw out some leftovers. I try to never do that, but I was just so sick of them and they got old before I could finish them off. For me, living alone, I think the trick is never to cook too much at a time. Even if it seems frugal, it's not if you waste it!

  6. kristenintheislands Says:

    I like the idea of freezing meals. I think I need to look more into that.

    I'm basically cooking for one. DH eats most of his meals at work for free(he is a chef and works through lunch and dinner).

  7. Ima saver Says:

    I have visted St thomas a few times and it is a beautiful place. How much is gasoline now?

  8. kristenintheislands Says:

    $3.80 or so? I'm not really sure, I only need to buy it once every 10-14 days or so and the last time DH got it. Not very frugal of me but I do not shop around too much for it. There only a few on island to begin with and there is not really too much of a difference between them all (well cost wise, quality wise there is).

    I just pay whatever it costs. I normally go to the one between home and work (5 min drive from each other).

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