Home > First timer

First timer

March 22nd, 2010 at 08:22 pm

I do not really expect anyone to read this. Because of where I live I'm unable to do the normally things people can do saving money by using coupons or stocking up when stores have sales. Because well you can't use coupons here nor do the stores have specials very often if they do it's because the items is expiring that day. I can't even get a free checking account or even an ING (you must live in the 50 states)

So I'm just using it to keep myself in check. We are in debt yet make good money. I'm trying to find anyway possible to help me stick to my goals.

Some things I did today was call my mortgage company to audit my escrow. I had a feeling we were putting too much into there because the taxes are not has high as they thought (good news right), also they had been taking out for flood insurance even after many attempts to prove I already have the coverage (been resolved but I know it will be revisited again in the fall like always). The audit produced a $60 per month reduction and a check for $340. Yay.

I also made my first banana bread today and found a new chicken recipe. I'm not a cook, that is DH's department. Plus our hours are so all over the place it's seems like it's easier to just go out. But I'm going to try. My thought is if I cook more at home I will cut back on going to the bars and eating fried foods and drinking too much beer. That should help save money, eating better and losing weight, or at least one would hope.

We have only eaten out once in the last 10 days. Not bad for us, normally it was a 2-4 times a week.

It's all about baby steps hopefully we will not fall down too much in the process.

Thanks for reading and helping us get on a better financial track.

15 Responses to “First timer”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Welcome to SA! Personally, even in the states, I don't save too much with coupons. Sounds like you know some things you can do! Good luck with your goals.

  2. yisave Says:


  3. wowitsawonderfullife Says:


  4. Ima saver Says:

    Welcome, glad you have joined us. Where do you live?

  5. kristenintheislands Says:

    St Thomas, Virgin Islands. I love living here, but damm is it expensive. for example milk is $8 per gallon.

  6. creditcardfree Says:

    That is some expensive milk, but probably cheaper than owning a cow or goat!

  7. snshijuptr Says:

    Oh I loved St. Thomas when I visited. I hope that joining this community will give you more ideas and more motivation to move out of debt. I know it has helped me.

  8. Analise Says:

    Welcome! It is interesting to read posts from others the world over.

  9. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Welcome! I enjoy learning from everyones circumstances...I am sure you will bring a very fresh perspective!! $8 milk??? I would enjoy learning how you make your dollars stretch there!!!

  10. nmboone Says:

    I would love to see a few pics of the landscape there! Welcome to SA, you'll like it and everyone is so wonderful.

  11. Purple Flower's Says:

    Welcome to SA!! I look forward to reading your blog.

  12. LuckyRobin Says:

    Welcome. Looking forward to reading about your life in the islands.

  13. pjmama Says:

    Welcome Big Grin

  14. whitestripe Says:

    welcome Smile i live in australia and we don't have a very big coupon culture over here either. hopefully you get some good tips and advice on here! the best thing i find is the support and encouragement though, it keeps you motivated!

  15. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hi, do you really live on an island? If so, which island is it?

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